Wow! Mom and I had quite the road-trip this summer/fall. We drove without incident from home in Estero, FL to Cartersville, GA. After spending the night there in the foothills of the Great Smokie Mountains, we drove to Winchester, VA and spent the night in the Historic George Wahington Hotel. Georgeous! - to say the least! On the way, we visited one of the "Seven Natural Wonders of the World" - Natural Bridge, once owned by Thomas Jefferson and quite the "in-demand" site for Civil War soldiers to take side trips as their military columns moved north or south (Union and Confederate).
Next day, we drove to Hershey, PA. FUN!!! We still love chocolate, though!
It happens to also be the world headquarters for Orvis. We found a few items of necessity there and went on to Sharon, VT, the birth-place of Joesph Smith, Jr.
We drove to Bangor, ME to visit and have dinner with an old friend, Sharon Egolf. Saw lots of moose crossing signs!
Had a great time and drove on to Kennibunkport, ME.
Talk about a great place to visit! We took a jillion pictures, bought some locally made pottery and wild blueberry jam.
Please also refer to the picture below of Mom eating lobster on the fishing dock! Fresh is an understatement (yeah, take that any way you want!).

We holed up in Boston while the first hurricane in forty years threatened Cape Cod. We visited Glouschester, the major fishing port of the east coast and had a blast! A most solemn memorial to Glouscester fishermen lost at sea stands right on the harbor side. A memorial to the crew that was chronicaled in The Perfect Storm is included with the rest.
We visited Cape Cod National Sea-shore and LOVED it!
Then, it was on to Washington, DC where we toured the the National Mall, the Holicost Museum and Museum of American History.
But the BIGGIE for us in DC was returning to the Washington, DC Temple where we both received our Endowments in 1976/77.
We last had visited the Washington Temple about twenty-five years ago, so this was a very special occassion for us. It was another very rewarding visit to the Temple.
We then drove to Hiltonhead Island and then on home.
We simply had a great time! Wish you had all been there with us! We love you!