Sunday, May 30, 2010

Free at last, Free at last!!!

We are so happy to announce that we graduated from law school this weekend. I say "we" because it took the whole family to git 'er done. In reality I finished school in December and shortly there after, took the bar and was fired from my job on the last day of the bar exam. (He hired his nephew, who quit 6 weeks later after he learned that he failed the bar exam! Karma.) I went several weeks without a job and ended up doing the lawyer equivalent of picking strawberries in a field, document review. I sat for 10 to 12 hours a day reading thousands of emails and "tagging" them as responsive, privileged, confidential, etc. etc. etc. Then, six weeks later, I found out I had passed the bar, and been admitted! Within two weeks we had two job offers, one at the Tampa PD and the other at the Seminole County Prosecutor's office. I took the Prosecutor job and have been working there for the last two weeks. We will move the house up next weekend and Melanie will follow the week after that with the babies. Woohoo!!! We got 'er done!!!

1 comment:

  1. You guys are amazing! Needless to say, we are incredibly proud of all of you. Mom & Dad
