Wednesday, February 16, 2011


So, I have a new calling. I was released from Young Women and am a primary teacher. I have the 8-11 year-old girls, and it is a ton of fun! They are so brutally honest, there is never a dull moment. I just thought I'd post some of my enlightening conversations with them. haha. I just hope they end up learning something this year!

I was trying to explain how Jesus came from an earthly mother, but God was His father. It was hard to get across, so I tried using Hercules as an example, because he had a regular mom, and Zeuss was his dad....maybe a bad idea. They seemed to get it at first, and I was excited to move on with the lesson, feeling proud that I taught them something. Apparently one of my girls knew a lot about mythology (I was just going off of the animated movie I had seen), and they started saying things like, "well, Hercules just had magical powers because he was poisoned..." and "didn't he get gifts like that magical horse and stuff?" I tried to focus on the main point of the comparison, but my excitement diminished as I was unsuccessful. I had to tell them to just forget about Hercules and move on, but apparently I hit a hot topic. I can just hope maybe subconsciously something worthwhile got in.

Last week, we discussed how Satan tempted Jesus. We were talking about how Jesus had fasted for forty days and nights and then Satan told Him to turn the rock into bread to eat it.
Me: So imagine if you hadn't eaten for a month and ten'd be starving right?
Girls: yeeessss!!!
Me: So what if Satan came and said, just turn that rock into bread, so you can eat it?
One of the girls: I'd just be eating the rocks!


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